Several events accompany the development and launch of this Participatory Art Based Research online resource:
Conference – PABR approaches and research formats were shared and discussed with other experts from the field of artistic research.
Further research projects were developed by members of PABR. Sebastian Matthias, Esther Pilkington, Melcher Ruhkopf and Kathrin Wildner each realised a research project that tests and combines PABR research formats and develops them further.
#onethumbebandid by Sebastian Matthias
From an understanding derived from watching and making TikTok-videos, a heterogenous group of co-researchers created artistic responses to performative strategies from each of their (artistic) perspectives. Each response that is produced as part of this Performative Collection will offer a starting point to pinpoint how dancing online and watching dance online has become a powerful tool to construct users realities.
Vacation Research by Esther Pilkington
Knowledge Space(s) of Globalisation by Melcher Ruhkopf
How does globalisation fit into the museum space? Which spatial imaginaries are enacted and how can art-based methodologies help to criticise and modify the museal knowledge spaces of globalisation? These are the key questions addressed in this ongoing PhD project.
behind/beyond PABR – a sound project by Kathrin Wildner
behind / beyond PABR has a look behind the written texts of the online publication, relating the research formats to urban politics and activist practices, feeding them into participative settings as well as alternative institutional practices. In order to reach beyond scientific and artistic communities and to include political activists, political educational projects, we conceptualise and compose short sound files and make them accessible on social media platforms such as SoundCloud, Instragram, and Twitter.