What is it?
The institution is a civic body, a representation with performative power, that can create what it speaks of. Some of the most basic performance acts are of institutional decent (marriage, heritage, etc.). The institution, as a body of law, embodies and reproduces normed social frames and defines actions of individuals, of groups, of societies (see Herbordt/Mohren after Bernstorff, 2018, p. 220).

The institution is built around the performative act of speaking in the name of – (the institution or what is represented by it, i.e. ‘the people’). The institution does not necessarily have closed spatial borders, it is not always clear where it ends or begins (see Schatzmann / Strauss 1973 after Bernstorff, 2018, p. 220). To stabilize itself, it refers to other institutions.
The institution is built around the performative act of speaking in the name of – (the institution or what is represented by it, i.e. ‘the people’). The institution does not necessarily have closed spatial borders, it is not always clear where it ends or begins (see Schatzmann / Strauss 1973 after Bernstorff, 2018, p. 220). To stabilize itself, it refers to other institutions.