FUNDUS THEATER/Theatre of Research, Society for the Invention of Measurement Procedures, 2012, Hamburg
FUNDUS THEATER/Theatre of Research, Gesellschaft zur Erfindung von Messverfahren, 2012, Hamburg
In February 2012, the FUNDUS THEATER/Theatre of Research founded the Society for the Invention of Measurement Procedures (Gesellschaft zur Erfindung von Messverfahren). In this society, children were asked what they would like to measure: boredom or adventurousness, the feelings they have for each other, how much time they have for the things they like to do, how many adults actually have a know-it-all syndrome or what the quality of the food is at their school. At the same time, students from three different universities and disciplines explored the art of measuring in a one-week research workshop at FUNDUS THEATER/Theatre of Research: What is the performance of measuring in different disciplines? Theatre practices and exercises were investigated as potential tools of measurement. Workshops, lectures and laboratories took place which authorised and enabled children and adults, students, academics and artists to find subject matters to measure and to explore and invent new methods, techniques and tools of measuring.
Detailed information on this research project is available at:
Researchers: FUNDUS THEATER/Theatre of Research
Co-reserachers: Children/students of Europa-Gymnasium Hamburg-Hamm, Grundschule Richardstraße and Marie-Beschütz-Grundschule Hamburg, students of Performance Studies/University Hamburg, students of Theatre Pedagogy/University of the Arts (UDK Berlin), students of Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Communication (University Hildesheim), Heike Roms (Performance Studies/University of Wales Aberystwyth), Gloria Meynen (Cultural Sciences/Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen), Kai van Eikels (Theatre Sciences/Free University Berlin)
Participants: Students, teachers, families, visitors
Formats: Try-out Institution