The Young Institute for Future-research by Eva Plischke was founded by the performance artist and researcher Eva Plischke and students of the 5th and of the 8th grade of the Europa Gymnasium Hamm to investigate alternative forms of future research with the generation who is meant to be the future. The generation of children have the social function to guarantee the future of society. At the same time it is not involved in present decision-making that determines the and especially their future. Founding the young institute for future research was the frame of (re)searching alternative forms of future research. But first of all this founding was an act of self-authorization. Acting in the name of the young institute for future research is a claim for being involved in researching and creating future. Years before Fridays for Future it was a claim for being recognized, being seen and heard as the youngest generation in present processes concerning questions of the future. Eva Plischke, Young Institute for Future Research, 2013, Hamburg