What is it? A Performative Collection is a dynamic collection or archive of information, experiences, memories or practices as well as their mediated transmission. In the context of academic and art-based research, the collection as a kind of living archive is considered as a methodological tool that not only...
Participatory Art Based Research and Artistic Research that Participates Research format Creating a Media Device, response by Sylvi Kretzschmar Megaphones have a pistol grip. The speaker uses it to target people and spaces, to address the speech in aligned acoustics. You need to pull a trigger while you are talking...
What is it? The research format Creating a Media Device focuses on developing a technological operation or media object as well as testing (see also Testing in Performance) it through practice and performance. The format is rooted in media theory and combines technological and performative experimentation. Modern and postmodern media...
What is it? A One-on-One Encounter as a format of Participatory Art Based Research connects two people in an exclusive constellation, in which they talk to each other or act together and – by doing so – exchange and produce knowledge. Thus, this format is located at the interface between private...