On Barricades and Dances was developed as a practice, a series of workshops and, later, a performance, using a small array of objects (wooden pallets, car tires, cobble stones, tents, and umbrellas) from the context of social protests, where they are agents and witnesses of turmoil and civic transformations. Out of a series of experiments with handling these objects, one specific mode of constructing emerged: making unstable barricades. In building something that was not supposed to become stable, the performative practice consisted of actively negotiating in a physical exchange between human and non-human bodies. Besides a workshop that introduced this alternative technique of handling material, Moritz Frischkorn presented a lecture on revolutionary things. Afterwards, he and his team showed a performance that employed this choreographic practice. Moritz Frischkorn, A Careful Process of Composition: On Barricades and Dances, 2016, Hamburg