
Within PABR, we differentiate between experiment and exploration. Explorations enter an unknown area of interest without a concrete line of inquiry, whereas the experiment needs a controlled space to build a research set-up that enables concrete outcomes or solutions to questions, such as new artistic or performative techniques, practices or formats. To experiment is understood as an act of invention, discovery, and creation. In its continued repetition, however, productive differences are uncovered. (Berg 2009, Rickli 2015, Hinz/Kranixfeld 2018)

Ref: Berg, Gunhild (2009): “Zur Konjunktur des Begriffs ‘Experiment’ in den Natur-, Sozial und Geisteswissenschaften”, in: Eggers, Michael/Rothe, Matthias (eds): Wissenschafts­geschichte des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts als Begriffsgeschichte, Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 51–82.

Rickli, Hannes (2015): “Experimentieren”, in: Badura, Jens/Dubach, Selma/Haarmann, Anke/Mersch, Dieter/Rey, Anton/Schenker, Christoph/Toro Pérez, Germán (eds): Künstlerische Forschung. Ein Handbuch. Zürich/Berlin: diaphanes, pp. 135–138.

Hinz, Melanie/Kranixfeld, Micha (2018): “A-Z des Forschenden Theaters in Sozialen Feldern”, in: Hinz, Melanie/Kranixfeld, Micha/Köhler, Norma/Scheurle, Christoph (eds): Forschendes Theater in Sozialen Feldern. Theater als Soziale Kunst III. München: kopaed, pp. 11–19.